Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Popular Uses for Footnotes, Easier Footnotes with Software

Popular Uses for Footnotes, Easier Footnotes with Software You might be wondering if footnotes have become obsolete by now. Nothing could be further from the truth. While it is true that many publications favor the use of endnotes or APA style citation, footnotes still have their established realms of use. Popular Uses for Footnotes One popular use for footnotes is as a source of supplemental information. If you mention in a paper that one neighborhood lives in poverty, you might mention the exact statistic within a footnote. The position of the footnote is helpful in this instance, as the reader has to only glance down to augment their current information. Another popular use of footnotes is quotation. Perhaps you have quoted one source in the document, and wish to provide an exact or expounded quote or reference below. Footnotes provide the perfect instance for integrated information and quotation whenever you need them. Easier Footnotes with Software You might recall older word processing software that made inserting these notes a nightmare. Even in modern word processing programs, footnotes can become tedious and tiresome. However, with modern Chicago Style software, you can insert footnotes with the touch of a button, making the entire process streamlined.

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