Friday, January 3, 2020

Essay On American History - 714 Words

American History: Our Hope for the Future Broken glass cracks under boot clad feet, as a clean up crews begin their work on the devastating scene of shattered windows, graffiti ridden walls, and charred buildings and bushes. The view wears evidence of chaos as a diamond necklace, adorned for the world to see. The night before, riots raged, with hatred as its driving fuel. Fires blazed, rocks were thrown through windows and doors, fists flew, and barriers were strewn throughout grass lawns, having failed their job to keep a peaceful distance. The subject of all this violence, a young republican who planned to speak just inside of Sproul Hall at UC Berkeley. Scenes like the one at UC Berkeley have become somewhat of a common place in the†¦show more content†¦The result? One of the longest standing, and one of the most respected constitutions the world has seen. Furthermore, this country has experienced, defeated, and thrived through one of the deepest divides any country can e xperience, a civil war. Divided over the emancipation of slaves and states rights, states literally succeeded from the union. It is a part of our history that has been told to us over and over since the third grade. The union and southern confederacy went to war, the south lost, and consequently, slavery was ended. Even so, few truly understand the impact of the union victory. Our country was reunited under one flag and one constitution; we were one union of states. If our country can survive through a civil war, the great divide, can we not survive through the political divides so relevant today? Can we not resolve arguments of inequality and human rights? Even more recently, there was the civil rights movement that, similar to today, what was supposed to be peaceful protests with a civilized goal, became violent. African Americans fighting for their rights as citizens, were shut down by people refusing to see a contrasting side to their own. They resorted to violence, rather than simply listening to another’s point of view. Protesters were blasted with fire hoses, physically and verbally assaulted, and hounded by dogs. They kept their peaceful stance regardless of torment. It was the peaceful that prevailed. WeShow MoreRelatedAmerican History Essays1013 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican History It is important to be proud of who you are and where you have come from. After watching the film American History X, whites are far from proud. We are ashamed to admit that people just like us can act in such a horrible and disillusioned way toward those that are different. As you watch, you see scenes of brutal violence, hear songs of hate and feel the pain of all involved. These acts show the viewers how easily young minds can be influenced to believe anything. 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